Get Your family heirloom for future generations.
All Plans Include
Live Guidance & Support From Start To Finish
Personal Biographer
High-Fidelity, Professionally Mastered Audio
Planning Session With You
Audio Edited Into Chapters & Topics
Orientation & Planning Session With Interviewee
A Beautiful Hosted Audiobook
Series Of Weekly 1-Hour, One-On-One Interview Sessions
Sharable & Downloadable
How long does it take?
Typically interviews last about an hour and half once a week. So, for example, a 10 hour package would consist of an intake conversation with the family, then a short orientation, with the interviewee, and then, 10 weeks of interviews, for a total of three months. Of course some clients want to go through the process more quickly because there's an anniversary or a birthday and that can be accommodated. Post production usually takes six weeks, but that too can be shortened if there's a specific date we are shooting for.
What kind of questions do you ask?
The only universal is that we begin every interview with somatically related questions – how did something feel? What did it taste like? What does it smell like? What do you remember seeing – those types of things. After that each interview diverges based on what the family is looking for and the individual interview is Storytelling style. Some people come into the interview with a complete structure of everything they want to tell at the outset, so the interviewer will simply ask questions to fill-in some details. Others need a lot of prompting, even in the course of a single interview a person might hesitate a lot in the beginning and then find their groove. That's where the art of the interviewer  comes in – it is not simply going through a list of questions. That does not work. 
Do you provide the questions ahead of time?
If it is helpful for the interviewee, absolutely. Some people ask us for questions and ideas either at the very beginning of the interview process or as something to think about during the week leading up to the interview.
Do you provide the questions ahead of time?
If it is helpful for the interviewee, absolutely. Some people ask us for questions and ideas either at the very beginning of the interview process or as something to think about during the week leading up to the interview.
How do you select your interview?
We started out thinking that folks who have done journalism and related careers would be really good at this, but it turned out not to be the case. We're not just looking for a factual memoir of what happened because the audience for the story is family members, current and future. That goes for a very different approach. We hire people for their ability to listen, engage, create emotional rapport, and to ask intelligent questions that lead to good stories.
How do you train your interviewers?
There's a mentoring process, that consists of interviewers, listening in to dozens of our Various of their mentors, and then beginning to do themselves, while the mentor is in the loop, suggesting questions.
Can you conduct interviews in different languages?
Yes, we are currently able to conduct interviews in half a dozen of common languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, Farsi, Hindi. As the availability of interviewers in different languages various, we may require more lead time for non-English languages.
Do we get a transcript?
Yes, you will receive an edited transcript – that's part of the product.
Can we turn this into a book?
Absolutely. However, a book is a custom product and much depends on the style of the story and what the families are looking for.
How do we get the product?
You receive it as a link to an online site and as a USB. The entire story and individual chapters are downloadable.
If we get the smaller package, can we extend it to a larger one once we get to the end of the interviews?
Yes, absolutely. However, as the interviewer plans the recordings, it is helpful to have a clear idea of how many interviews. The whole story consists of so we recommend starting with the product that is likely to fit your needs.
What happens if mid-way through the process, the interviewee is unable or unwilling to continue?
We issue a partial refund for unused hours, prorated.
What happens if we buy the product as a gift and the recipient of the gift is not interested in going through the process?
We issue you a full refund. That said, we much prefer it if you confirm ahead of time that your family member is on board with doing this.
We have a specific date... can we be guaranteed that the product is finished by the time the anniversary/birthday comes around?
Yes, on a case by case basis. We try really really hard to accommodate your family schedule.
Can we give you input about what kind of things we'd like to know about? 
Yes, we specifically ask for it and many families will circulate an email with the questions that they would like to have answered. “How did you meet mom?” “What happened while you were in the Navy?” It is not necessary, but it is helpful for the interviewer to know whether the family is interested in.
Is it possible to interview multiple people?
Yes, although we recommend that you allocate at least five hours per person. Some families choose to have five hours of interviews per parent and then five hours of them speaking together.
We would like to create a memorial for somebody who has passed on. Is it possible to create an audiobook out of other people's stories about them?
Yes, but this is a custom product. Each additional person that we interview requires additional arrangements, scheduling, etc. Dash so please bring it up with us and let's see what we can do
Why do you suggest that the interviews take place once a week?
In our experience once a week is the optimal cadence for the interviews. It gives the interview enough time to think through what they want to tell next, but it isn't long enough for them to lose track of what they've already told. We recommend that in the intervening week they keep notes and capture some thoughts in whatever way is most comfortable to them.
How long is the audiobook, typically?
What percentage of the interview time ends up in the final product?
85% of the total interview time. It's quite a bit, but because we're not working to create a podcast for the public but a record of a person story for their family, we tend to keep much more material than would be common for a public facing product.
What happens if we would like a different interviewer?
Accommodate you immediately with no questions asked. The chemistry between the inter, and is absolutely critical to getting an amazing final product.
Who has control over the final product?
Ultimately, the final  editorial control over the final product is with the interviewee. If there's a part of the story that they wanted to retail, or wanted to have erased, it is their decision.
Can we include pictures and videos in the final product?
Yes, a case by case basis. Future versions of the product may include giving you the ability to upload additional audio and video materials. Currently – please talk to us.
There is a birthday or  anniversary in and the whole family is going to be getting together. Can you help us make a presentation that we can show?
Yes, but there is an additional fee.